
Saturday, November 5, 2011

A "Real Halftime Show"

Julia Williams, Aggiette & Full Circle Member
Basketball season is here and so are basketball halftimes.

In addition to the reoccurring scene of an excited student section, stunts performed by Big Blue and the choreography of the Aggiettes, spectators will have a chance to witness something new.

On Wednesday, Nov. 30, the women of Utah State University’s Vilociti and Full Circle dance teams will have their first halftime performance this year.

Despite experienced dancers and rigorous weekly practices, both dance groups perform minimally in comparison to the Aggiettes.

“We’re better than the Aggiettes,” said Tessa Italasano, choreographer of the upcoming performance. “People will get a real halftime show.”

As a member of both the Aggiettes and Full Circle teams, Julia Williams agrees.

“Full Circle is better because we do more technical things,” she said. “I like a challenge.”

While others are hesitant to so boldly declare dominance over the Aggiettes, they still show excitement at the chance to perform.

“We don’t have many opportunities to perform in front of our peers and we’re finally able to show everyone what we can do as a company,” said Kumi Osterloh, head advisor of the Vilociti hip-hop team.

During the performance, the dance teams will perform to “Seven Nation Army,” a White Stripes song known for a memorable guitar riff.

The performance will not only be notable for its music, but according to Italasano, the wardrobe will likely entice viewers as well.

“People should come see us because we’re hot,” she said. “It’ll be raunchy. Black combat boots, sequins, and fish nets – the works.”

(k. wells & j. wilkinson)

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